Fuji-Q Highland Fuji-Q Highland

Education system

Educational training and training by rank and occupation are substantial!

Training flow for new employees (example)

[Before joining the company-early April]
■ Introductory training

[Early April-June]
■ OJT training

【July 1】
■ Cancellation of trial

About education and training

Fuji-Q Highland 's education system is "training by workplace" and "training by skill" in order to develop people who can embody Fuji-Q Highland 's philosophy "ONLY 1 FUJI-Q" and values "FUJI-Q VALUE" in the medium to long term. We also provide training items divided into two categories and support for acquiring qualifications. In addition to in-house training, there are also more specialized training inviting outside instructors and various support programs, so you can supplement and enhance what you lack.

Training by skill

It is subdivided into four items, "safety and hygiene," "CS (customer service skills)," "qualification acquisition," and "information security and compliance." .. We also carry out more specialized training by inviting not only in-house lecturers but also external lecturers.

Various acquisition support programs